Exploitative industries have been running rampant for too long. Time's up.
Exploitative industries have been running rampant for too long. Time's up.
Dear Friend,
Do you feel it? 
The same urgency we have to stop the wave of sexual exploitation sweeping our nation?
If there is a bottom to our culture’s ocean of sexual toxicity we’ve not found it yet. We can’t just stand by while our world sinks deeper and deeper into this septic abyss. We must engage with the culture in ways that inspire, bring hope, and produce meaningful change.
This is where the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) works. Every day, we at NCOSE work to create a world free from sexual abuse and exploitation. We devise strategies and campaigns to hold policymakers and corporate executives accountable, spur them to action, and yield powerful results. 
This year NCOSE is especially proud of its achievements with Instagram, Netflix, Snapchat, and Comcast. Our dialogue with these corporate giants continues. Much progress has already been achieved and they are still listening and improving! We’ve made your voices heard and they’re making changes. 
Not resting on these achievements, NCOSE hosted the Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation Global Summit in June. Coupled with our second annual Day on the Hill, which unleashed an army of advocates on Capitol Hill, the momentum we have is palpable. We’ve heard from attendees who returned to their communities energized and inspired to continue confronting sexual abuse and exploitation issues.
NCOSE’s Day on the Hill set the stage for the role out of the #FixAppRatings campaign. In partnership with key allies, NCOSE worked with members of Congress to instigate a Senate hearing. Before a packed hearing room, social media giants were taken to task for their failure to protect children from exposure to explicit and harmful content on Internet platforms. As we move into 2020, NCOSE will keep the pressure on Congress and Big Tech to #FixAppRatings and protect our children. 
What is more, the NCOSE Law Center is ramping up major new initiatives. In January we hired Benjamin Bull, a man with an inspiring career and prestigious legacy in the fight against obscenity. Ben and our expanding legal team are hard at work on new model laws and laying the ground work to defend FOSTA-SESTA—critical legislation curbing online sex trafficking that NCOSE helped pass—in federal court. 
Yes, the tasks before us are daunting and the challenges formidable. But, as the saying goes, “Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” As disheartening as the challenges appear, this work is meaningful and successes swell our collective hearts with endurance.
An exceedingly generous couple has seen the victories from the National Center on Sexual Exploitation’s work to change policies that exploit, equip the public, and lead the movement of advocates working on these issues. In fact, this couple believes in the importance of the cause so much that they’ve offered a $3,000,000.00 matching grant to us! 
That means that any donation you give today will be automatically doubled in value!
With a match of $3 million on the line, we will be bold and ask you to consider doubling your typical year-end gift amount to NCOSE
Every dollar will be doubled in its value to NCOSE.
Every dollar will get us closer to the $3 million match.
And every dollar provides momentum to the movement to end exploitation.
Patrick Trueman, Esq.
President and CEO
National Center on Sexual Exploitation
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