Workers in 56 cities, counties, and states are getting a raise at the start of the year.
Fight for $15


This was the year workers said ENOUGH.

We saw strikes across the country and around the world. We saw workers quitting jobs that didn't pay or respect us in record numbers. And because of our solidarity, workers in 56 cities, counties, and states are getting a raise at the start of the year. More states and cities are raising their minimum wage than in any time in history!

Our movement did this. We won $15 in Rhode Island and Delaware. We got out the vote and passed $15 in Tucson. And we took the fight straight to multi-national corporations and bosses raking in record bonuses to tell them clearly: we won't stand by while you exploit us.

This is YOUR victory, John. Share now and get ready to gear up for 2022 >>

25 states will raise their minimum wages in 2022

We know this fight isn't over.

As long as ANYONE still makes $7.25 – a poverty wage – I'm going to keep fighting

As long as ANYONE is stopped from joining together in a union – the way we guarantee a good job with benefits – I’m going to keep fighting.

But today, I'm celebrating the thousands of workers about to get a raise. Join me and share now >>

In solidarity,

Hakim Dumka
McDonald's Worker
St. Louis, MO
Fight for $15

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