
We are a group of ten current Iowa state representatives, and we are writing to you today because our state and our country need your help.

As Democratic elected officials in Iowa with decades of service, we’ve fought for years on important issues like providing better access to health care, combating climate change, improving education, and strengthening our democracy. It’s precisely for that reason that we’ve endorsed Admiral Mike Franken to be Iowa’s next U.S. senator.

Mike Franken represents the best of Iowa. As a three-star admiral who served nearly 40 years in the Navy, he’s lived a life dedicated to service. And as a native son of rural northwest Iowa, he has a personal understanding of the many different challenges Iowans face.

Our current senator, Republican Chuck Grassley, has forgotten the reason he was sent to Washington 46 years ago. Rather than representing the interests of everyday Iowans, he seems now only to care about the corporations and special interests writing him campaign checks.

Mike Franken is absolutely the best person to take on Chuck Grassley because he can run a winning campaign across all 99 counties in Iowa. But if he’s going to win, he’s counting on grassroots support from donors like you.

In just a few days, Mike is facing his first end-of-quarter FEC deadline, and after December 31st, federal law requires his campaign to publicly release his fundraising numbers. Everyone will be closely scrutinizing his report – from reporters to Mitch McConnell’s Super PACs – looking for signs of weakness.

That’s why we’re emailing today: To ask if you can make a donation to help make sure Mike has the resources he’ll need to fight back against the Super PAC attacks that are about to start next year.

Please, for the good of our state and our country, will you consider chipping in $5 or more right now to Admiral Mike Franken’s campaign – whatever you can afford before the end-of-quarter FEC deadline – to help him defeat Chuck Grassley, turn Iowa blue, and protect Democrats’ majority in the Senate?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

We’re all-in to help Mike Franken come out victorious next year. But grassroots support from donors like you will determine whether or not he can take on and defeat a 46-year incumbent like Chuck Grassley.

Thank you,

Representative John Forbes
Representative Steve Hansen
Representative Bob Kressig
Representative Mary Mascher
Representative Brian Meyer
Representative Amy Nielsen
Representative Art Staed
Representative Sharon Steckman
Representative Beth Wessel-Kroeschell
Representative Dave Williams