
We are only 3 days away from 2022. 3 days away from our final FEC filing deadline. And we only have 3 days to reach our critical end-of-year $150,000 fundraising goal.

We’re in the final sprint and everything is on the line.

Can you rush $3 right now—split between my campaign and Serve America—to help us meet our fundraising goal and win big next year?


The time to invest in this race is NOW. We’re up against Mitch McConnell and the GOP fundraising machine funneling outside money into this race—come next year they’ll up their spending to unprecedented amounts.

This team has the momentum and the grassroots power to take my out-of-touch millionaire opponents head on, but only if we keep at it full speed ahead.

Folks, we can’t look back this time next year and think, I wish I had done more. It’s up to us—you, me, and every Ohioan who wants a better future—to fight to put hardworking people first again.

I’ll give it to you straight: this campaign would be dead in the water without the support of thousands of grassroots donors like you. Can I count on you to split a donation of $3 or more—with Serve America—so we can head into 2022 with the strongest momentum possible?

Thank you for everything.

-- Tim Ryan