Add your name to CND's Newspaper Adverts
Dear Friend,

To coincide with the anticipated 2022 spring budget announcement, we are planning a series of adverts in key regional newspapers up and down the country, demanding that public funds are not squandered on increasing the UK's arsenal of nuclear warheads. Can you donate to help fund these adverts?
Add your name to our newspaper ads
The decision to increase the UK's nuclear arsenal breaks international law. And these plans will cost £billions of public money, at a time when welfare and services are being slashed.

We plan to publish a series of adverts in key regional papers
with a list of names of the CND supporters who have contributed towards the cost of the ads, to really hammer home the message nationwide that the warhead increase plans are illegal, immoral, and a disastrous waste of money.

It's absolutely outrageous that spending on useless weaponry is increased while provision for the public is slashed. Let's make sure the message is heard loud and clear: please, donate today and add your name to our adverts.
Add your name to our newspaper ads
In peace,
Kate Hudson
General Secretary
P.S. We must receive your donation by 7th February for your name to appear on the adverts.

Copyright © 2021 Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, All rights reserved.
We collected your name from a petition or you are a member of CND

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Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
162 Holloway Road
London, London N7 8DQ
United Kingdom

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