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Tuesday, December 28th, 2021


Is the Crack-Up Boom Here?

Ron Paul, MD

Now Is the Time To Dig Down

Allan Stevo

The Humanity of Trade

Frank Chodorov

Stop and Assess

James Howard Kunstler

‘A Woman Is a Woman, Man Is a Man’: Putin Vows To Protect Russia From the West’s ‘Gender Obscurantism’

Tyler Durden

2021 Year in Review: Madness, Mayhem, and Tyranny

John & Nisha Whitehead

Seeking a Spirit of Benevolence

Jeff Thomas

NY Democrats Attempt To Bring Australia’s Covid Concentration Camps to NY State

Paul Craig Roberts

Covid Vaccines ‘Most Dangerous Biological Medicinal Product Rollout in Human History,’ says Dr. Peter McCullough

Ethan Huff

Russian Security Proposals vs Unipolar Sabre rattling: What’s Next?

YouTube Video

Sleepwalking into the Abyss in 2022

Charles Hugh Smith

Crude But Effective Anti-Globalist Anthem


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