[ ⏰Donation Matching Expires Dec 31] Friends, my son has been arrested and harassed, but he keeps up the fight. We can’t let our allies down in the struggle against demolitions, settler violence and settlement growth.
J Street
Fight for Human Rights:
** Have Your Donation DOUBLED **

Friend --

I wrote to you a few weeks ago about my son Mattan, living proof that a more just and equal future is possible.

Our family’s landmark human rights case in the Israeli High Court helped bring about the official recognition of LGBT+ parents in Israel. A proud moment for my family, for our community, and for our country.

I’m proud that over 20 years later -- despite the threats of arrest, intimidation and harassment -- he is continuing the struggle for equality and freedom in the West Bank.

He and other peace advocates are in the occupied territories right now learning Arabic and helping document and deter a dangerous spike in settler attacks this year. Across the West Bank, groups of aggressive settlers have been trying to intimidate Palestinians off their land by burning farmland, slaughtering cattle, throwing rocks and firing weapons into towns. Israeli authorities have not done nearly enough to stop this, let alone hold perpetrators accountable.

Human rights activists in Israel and Palestine are on the front lines of this fight, and our community in America needs to make sure we have their back. 

In 2022, J Street will continue to push Congress and the Biden administration to speak out, to press for accountability, and to ensure that US security assistance to Israel can never be used to fund actions that deepen the occupation or violate human rights.

Please consider an end-of-year contribution to fund this work. People are counting on us to lead >>

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At it’s best, American leadership can provide a beacon of hope and support for advocates around the world who are working to protect minorities and human rights, and seeking a better future for themselves, their families and their countries.

We must press for American leadership to be principled, clear and bold when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as well -- a necessary condition to secure our vision of a just, democratic future for Israel, living in peace and security alongside an independent state of Palestine.

The continuation of the occupation and the continued creeping annexation of more and more land in the West Bank severely undermines the chances for a lasting peace, and perpetuates dangerous injustice and instability.

These actions don’t reflect our Jewish and democratic values, nor will they lead to the just and peaceful future we so deeply want for Israel. Standing together, we can and must make this clear to our leaders who have the power to push back.

Please consider a matched donation, every contribution gets us closer to our goal >>

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Thank you for your support.


Ruti Kadish
National Director of Communal Relations

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© 2021 J Street | www.jstreet.org | [email protected]

J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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