
We have some huge news. The redistricting maps are final and it looks GREAT for Christy. Just like we thought, the district has become more blue, with conservative strong-hold Simi Valley moving into another district.
LA Times Headline, “Whereas Republicans are on offense in most of the country, they could be on defense in California,” said redistricting expert David Wasserman, senior editor of The Cook Political Report.

And nowhere are we more on offense than in this district. In 2020, we saw this district get a whole lot bluer -- it shifted two points more Democratic -- and Mike won by only 333 votes.

We need to take full advantage of this moment immediately.

Will you chip in right now to help us hit our $20,000 end-of-year goal and finally flip this district from red to blue?
We want to make something very clear, with this new map we can flip this district blue. And Mike is freaking out about it.

He's been frantically issuing press statements, claiming that the nationally lauded independent redistricting commission is biased against him (which is absurd). Ranting that they were deliberately trying to make his district more vulnerable to a flip.

We know that Christy will represent this district in a way Mike Garcia never could -- with every one of her constituents in mind. She doesn't have special interest donors and corporate PACs to report back to once she gets to Capitol Hill.

We have a real shot at flipping this district blue but we have to act right now if we want to hit our end-of-year goal and set ourselves up to head into 2022 and never look back.

Can you chip in to help us hit this goal and flip this district blue? We know we can't do this without you.
Let's go win this thing,

Team Christy
Rapid Response Team