Dear friend,
It’s hard to believe that 2021 is coming to a close. It’s been a privilege to witness the generosity of supporters like you, the dedication of our team members, and the creativity and strength of the communities we serve.
Over the past 12 months, we reached 50+ million people around the world who are doing everything they can to help their families thrive and to change their communities for the better. As we prepare to turn the corner on a new year, your support can help us continue to advance food and water security, economic opportunities, and peace and stability in more than 40 countries where Mercy Corps works.
Today, I’m happy to share that a group of generous donors has contributed $400,000 to our year-end Matching Gift Challenge Fund to encourage supporters like you to match their gifts this holiday season. I hope you’ll consider making a gift of $25 or any amount before December 31 to support our life-changing work.
When we each do our part, our actions add up to real change. We see this in people like Ramatu, photographed below, who spent two years in a displacement camp with her family after fleeing conflict in Nigeria. With Mercy Corps’ support, she started a poultry business that provides a reliable source of income, and eggs for her family to eat.
When I think about the 50+ million people we reached in the last year, I think about how they are their communities’ most powerful agents of change. I’m so grateful that we get to be a part of their stories.
When you make your matching, tax-deductible gift today, you can support our work with people across the globe. Whether it’s creating sustainable sources of income, supporting peacekeeping efforts, or improving crop production, you can help families as they work to create the secure, productive, and just communities they envision for themselves.
Thank you so much for your generosity this year, and for considering a gift today to help us in the year to come.
In gratitude,
Tjada D’Oyen McKenna,
Mercy Corps Chief Executive Officer
We know you’re hearing a lot from us these days. The reason is simple: Every dollar we raise right now helps the people we work with protect their families and improve their lives. If you’ve already made your gift (thank you!) or would rather not get our year-end emails, click here to stop receiving email until January.