We need to finish out 2021 strong!

Val Demings: I Need You To Chip In To Flip Florida Blue

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Look, I am on the cusp of defeating Republican Marco Rubio in a race that election experts at CNN are saying is critical to Senate control.

But there’s some bad news: Republicans are gearing up to back Marco Rubio with tens of millions worth of ads to take our movement down.

So I’m reaching out to you personally this evening because my team notified me that we need $50,000 to hit our end-of-year deadline to keep our “Florida Voter Contact Campaign” running at full capacity into 2022.

Missing this deadline is simply not an option for our grassroots campaign.

Can you chip in right now?

So please, could you split a donation between March On PAC and my campaign to get out the vote in Florida, defeat Marco Rubio, and save our Senate majority?

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Did you know? ↙↙↙

Florida's last Senate race was decided by just 0.12 points (just 10,033 votes). Every single donation will be critical to getting out the vote in 2022.

And this election comes at a critical time. Democrats really can’t afford to lose a single seat in the Senate. In fact, to get real progress, we need to expand our majority.

If I win: the Senate will make critical progress on voting rights, worker’s rights, climate change and so much more.

But if I lose: Republicans could flip the Senate red and block President Biden’s agenda. Donald Trump could walk his way back into power.

So I need your help, Friend. chip in right now to my campaign and March On PAC to keep the Senate blue and defeat Mitch McConnell?

Rush a $5 donation >>
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Happy Holidays and thank you so much for your support.

Val Demings
Democrat for U.S. Senate

Thank you for supporting MARCH ON PAC. Our Women-Led Team worked day and night to power Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to a historic win in November and flipped Georgia and the Senate BLUE!

Donate now to March On →

MARCH ON PAC was created to harness the energy of grassroots organizers and empower community action to create progressive change all across the country.

This era isn’t just about taking back the White House. It’s about holding the House of Representatives, reclaiming the Senate and taking back control of state houses to ensure they represent the voices of women, youth and Black, Latinx and Asian Americans whose voices refuse to be marginalized any longer. We know that equity is essential to the advancement of our humanity as well as the economic, political and social progress of our country and world.

If you really want to go, click here to unsubscribe from our activist list. If you’d like to donate to help us elect our endorsed Democratic Candidates, click here.

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