Our community has had enough of Cuellar’s refusal to do what’s right.

This month, Senator Joe Manchin and Rep. Henry Cuellar gave a potent example of why the PCCC endorsed my campaign for Congress here in Texas’ 28th District. (Donate here to help…)

When Manchin went on Fox and said he'd vote "No" on passing the President’s Build Back Better Act, Cuellar supported Manchin -- which makes sense because Cuellar was part of the gang of corporate-aligned Democrats in the House who almost tanked the economic and climate bill.

Unlike Manchin, Cuellar is from our very Blue congressional district. Like Manchin, Cuellar receives thousands in funding from Big Oil.

For 15 years, Cuellar has opposed fighting the climate crisis. Our community has had enough.

Can you help give South Texas and the country more bold progressive representation in Congress? Please contribute to my primary campaign against one of the worst "Democrats" in Congress.

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Just this year alone, Texas faced serious consequences from climate disasters, from the power grid failures to extreme weather, our infrastructure was not prepared to handle. Just last month, ProPublica listed Laredo as a hotspot for industrial air pollution. We cannot continue to accept inaction by our current leadership. We have an urgent responsibility to address the scale, scope, and magnitude of the climate change crisis.

We can’t accept another minute of Henry Cuellar’s refusal to do what’s best for our country and the planet. It is time to unseat Henry Cuellar, who answers to his Big Oil donors. I have been a climate champion and proud advocate of the Green New Deal, and I am ready to make it a reality in Congress.

If you want to replace oil and gas industry-backed Democrat Henry Cuellar with a progressive champion who'll fight tooth-and-nail to pass legislation to combat climate change, please contribute now to this campaign so we can make that a reality in March.

Please turn on images to contribute.

With your support, we have a strong opportunity to bring new leadership to Congress. It is the much-needed change we deserve.

Thank you. Your support in our movement means so much.

-- Jessica Cisneros






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