Chris CoonsJoin us.

Dear John,

Whether it's at a town hall, at the grocery store, or in the calls I receive, one of the issues I hear about most from Delawareans is the soaring cost of prescription drugs.

Families are desperately looking to Congress for answers on how we can bring down high prescription drug costs. That's why I've joined four different bills to bring down the costs of prescription drugs, including Medicare negotiation.

When we hear about diabetics going without their insulin or seniors cutting their pills in half, we know that we have a crisis with very real consequences in this country. Nearly 20 percent of Americans said they didn't fill their prescriptions because they couldn't afford them.

We need to take meaningful steps to address this crisis head-on. Add your name next to mine to demand immediate action to lower prescription drug prices.

Medicare is one of the largest purchasers of prescription drugs in the country, yet current law prohibits them from using their purchasing power to negotiate lower drug prices. Allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices is one of the most important steps we can take to tackle this problem.

We also must stop drug companies from charging exorbitant prices with no justification, and instead empower Medicare to bring companies to the negotiating table to bring prices down.

These are the concrete steps we can take right now to lower drug prices in a responsible way and ensure Delawareans can get the medications they need.

Will you join me in tackling the soaring cost of prescription drugs? Add your name now if you agree it's time to take these important steps forward.

Thank you,


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