This is an important deadline. Help us build a progressive movement in Texas in 2022.

Ground Game Texas

Hi, friend.

We’re only a few days away from a critical fundraising deadline and we need your help. With the end of the year in sight, we need to show that the progressive movement is building in Texas—and that Ground Game Texas is helping lead the charge.

We need to raise $6,121 between now and midnight on December 31st to hit our goal. Can you step up right now to help us hit our end-of-the-year fundraising deadline? We’re asking supporters to donate $20.22 to help us get there.

Donate $20.22 to hit our goal!

We’re so proud of everything we’ve accomplished together this year. Thanks to you, we’ve put progressive measures on the ballot. We’ve helped thousands register to vote. And we’ve fought back against Republican attacks on reproductive rights, voting rights, and Covid safety.

We have big plans for 2022. But to continue our progress, we need every supporter to step up and help us meet our goal. We’re only $6,121 away from hitting our end-of-the-year goal. Can you help us get there?

Pitch in $20.22 to help us continue building the progressive movement in Texas. We can do it with your help.

Thank you for everything you do,


Mike Siegel
Political Director, Ground Game Texas