Ed Markey for Senate

By withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement, President Trump is abdicating global leadership on climate action, all to give Big Oil and fossil fuel industries a free pass to continue to pollute and poison.

The majority of the American people support action to combat the climate crisis, but Donald Trump is turning his back on us and future generations.

Join me and sign our petition denouncing President Trump’s decision to abandon the global community and our responsibility to combat climate change by leaving the Paris climate agreement.

From super-charged storms to deadly wildfires, climate change is wreaking havoc across the country. And it will cost all of us.

If we fail to act on climate, the United States will accumulate at least $1 TRILLION in damages by 2030.

Facing our greatest planetary challenge, Donald Trump has chosen to do nothing.

But we will not agonize about the climate crisis; we will organize to defeat Donald Trump and pass a Green New Deal.

Stand with me and sign your name to denounce President Trump’s decision to leave the Paris Climate Agreement.





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