This Christmastide, we invite you to learn more.
The Living Church is looking for creative investors who share our faith and hope for the future. Have you considered a planned gift?
Whether you're well into retirement, or just starting your career, it's always a good time to plan. We're ready to accept gifts that appreciate over time, as well as direct gifts. Before the year ends, please scroll to explore options for a longer-term investment in our ministry.
"In the providence of God, TLC is strategically placed to engage the next generation of Church leaders in a classic Anglican understanding of apostolic Christian faith. I pray that God’s people will generously support this work."
Dr. Grace Sears, Past President of the Order of the Daughters of the King and Vice President of the board of TLC
"TLC has provided me with resources for spiritual and intellectual formation, a community of faithful colleagues and friends, and opportunities to grow and serve as a leader in the Episcopal Church. I am grateful for their ministry and am thrilled to give back."
Fr. Clint Wilson, Rector at St. Francis in the Fields Episcopal Church,
Louisville, Ky.