Dear John,

There’s no sugarcoating it: 2021 was a hard year for our democracy. The intentional weakening of faith in U.S. elections, the insurrection of Jan. 6, and the ensuing revisionist history narrative being spun by extremist “news” outlets and members of Congress have shown us all how fragile our democracy can be.

Despite it all, we’re incredibly optimistic about the future. Here’s why.

The American people saw our democracy pushed to the brink, but it held firm. We’ve seen courageous members of Congress of all beliefs, backgrounds, and parties stand up for our institutions. We’ve seen some of the strongest pro-democracy legislation introduced in the House and Senate in a generation. And we see people like you all across the country getting active and involved to protect our democracy. Thank you.

2022 is shaping up to be a defining year in the fight against extremism, passing critical legislation, and strengthening our institutions. Stand Up Republic Foundation will be on the frontlines of this fight, and we’re hoping we can count on you to join us. Will you chip in $50, $100, $250, $500, or whatever you can afford today to help us protect and strengthen our democracy?

Your tax-exempt donation will help us reach Americans across the country to unite them in this fight, advocate for pro-democracy legislation, and build a movement to protect our institutions from extremism. Can we count on you to make a year-end contribution today?

Thank you in advance for your support!
Stand Up Republic Foundation Team



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700 Pennsylvania Ave SE
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