Real stories about real people impacted by your support (Part 3 of 3) Email not displaying correctly?
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Your support ensures someone is there to act when families are in need


Meet Melissa
She is a Program Manager for Emergency Homeless Services

Melissa was there on a Thursday morning when Mandy and her two-year-old daughter got dropped off at our adult emergency shelter. They were newly homeless and didn'’'t know where to turn.

Melissa quickly realized they were not in the right place. She walked the two blocks with Mandy and her daughter to our family emergency shelter and connected them with our team there.

While Mandy’s daughter played in our family resource center, the team worked to connect Mandy to the aid she needed. Within a few hours, Mandy was connected with City Welfare who worked to find her and her daughter a place to stay.

Your support ensures someone like Melissa is there to act when individuals and families experiencing homelessness are in need.

See other ways your support makes a difference on our end-of-year fundraising page.

Thank you for your support of Families in Transition.




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