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Hi John,


There's a crucial part of Greenpeace's work not everyone knows about -- our investigations.


Day after day, our Unearthed team works hard to dig up public interest stories that powerful companies would rather stay hidden. And in June this year, our undercover investigation exposed Exxon -- one of the worst polluters in history. 


Exxon has spent years telling the world that it supports action on climate change. But behind the scenes, we knew they were spending huge sums of money thwarting limits on fossil fuels.


Here’s how our investigation worked: We secretly recorded an oil executive admitting that Exxon “aggressively fought” against some climate science. [1] It was a confession that's rarely caught on camera. The footage blew the lid on how the oil company works behind closed doors to wreck progress on tackling the climate crisis.


And it didn't stop there. Exxon's oil lobbyist bragged about how they had senior politicians under their thumb, ready to aid their efforts to undermine crucial climate legislation.


John -- as Greenpeace doesn't accept government funds or corporate donations, exposing polluters really wouldn’t be possible without your support. That's why I'm emailing today to ask, can you help keep our work going in 2022?

Investigating politicians and companies can be painstaking work. And, if I’m honest, it can be scary when powerful, billion-dollar companies could threaten us with legal action.


But the results are worth it.


Our Exxon investigation helped create a political earthquake that is still having effects today. In the aftermath of our report, Exxon and other oil companies ended up being grilled by US lawmakers in Washington for the first time ever. [2]


And our work doesn’t stop with oil companies. This year, we’ve exposed destruction caused by the meat industry, investigated toxic pesticides, and uncovered how UK politicians are lobbied behind closed doors.


John -- Greenpeace doesn’t take any money from politicians and corporations, because we’re busy holding them to account. Instead we rely on the support of people generously giving what they can. That’s why I’m emailing to ask, can you join the team of incredible group of people who contribute monthly? With your support, we can expose more polluting industries in 2022:

With a few days left in 2021, we’re hoping to find 1,695 people to come onboard with a monthly contribution before the new year begins. If we can hit the goal together, it’ll mean we can do things like:

  • Hire new investigators to hold powerful polluters to account.
  • Invest in technology - like cameras, drones and computing kit - to create videos that expose environmental crimes.
  • Put more time into investigating fossil fuel companies and their influence over global politics.
  • Work with trusted journalists and other organisations to make sure millions of people see the truth about the harm polluting industries are causing.

If you’re able to contribute a few pounds to fund all this, please start your donation here -- it only takes a minute to sign up.


Thanks for being with us,


Damian Kahya

Unearthed investigations team – Greenpeace



1. Revealed: ExxonMobil’s lobbying war on climate change legislation

2. Oil executives face ‘turning point’ US congressional hearing on climate crisis


We don't accept any money from companies or governments so we can be independent and challenge anyone who threatens the planet or peace. To help us keep fighting climate change, defending our oceans and protecting ancient forests, you can become a monthly supporter today. Thank you!


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