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Monday, December 27th, 2021


A Glorious Fist Bump

David Hathaway

The Christmas Truce of 1914 – Why There Is Still No Peace on Earth

David Stockman

Diversity, Equality, Inclusion…Give Me a Break

Walter E. Block

The Year of the New Normal Fascist

CJ Hopkins

Thirty Years on, I Miss the ‘Evil Empire’

Scott Ritter

LinkedIn Has Banned Me For Life for Making 3 Truthful Comments

Steve Kirsch

You Better Believe

Taki Theodoracopulos

Checkmate: Iran Is Spearheading a Geopolitical Sea Change in West Asia

Matthew J.L. Ehret

Regulatory Capture is Killing Us, and We Are Two Steps Away from the Totalitarian Fascist Regulatory States of America

James Lyons-Weiler

The Wisconsin Purchase

William Doyle

Here’s How the Energy Crisis Turns into Hunger and Then… War?

Chris MacIntosh

A Little More About Berenson v. Twitter

Alex Berenson

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