Our year-end Matching Gift Challenge is officially underway, and we need your help to reach our goal before the new year!
Please make your MATCHING, tax-deductible gift today ▸ The spirit of community, the belief that we’re stronger when we work together — this is fundamental to our mission at Mercy Corps. Thank you for making a gift to help us multiply our impact together. With gratitude, The Mercy Corps team ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Christy @ Mercy Corps <[email protected]> Date: Sunday, December 26, 2021 at 8:09 AM Subject: 22 women in Kenya & the power of collaboration |
Take, for example, the 22 women in Kenya who we helped to start their own savings and loan group. They each make weekly contributions with the goal to start a livestock business. Together, they’re able to support each other and build stronger, more financially secure futures.
Our entire community is woven together through a shared desire to make a better world. We see that in places like Kenya and in the sentiment behind our holiday Matching Gift Challenge Fund. A group of generous donors contributed $400,000 toward this fund to encourage supporters like you to match their gifts — because they know that when we all come together, we can be a powerful force for good. Make a matching, tax-deductible gift today to show you’re here with us — and you’re here to help.
Thank you,
P.S. Thanks to the CARES Act, you can claim up to $300 ($600 for married individuals filing joint returns) in tax-deductible donations this year whether you plan to itemize your tax deductions or not.
If you’ve already made your gift (thank you!) or would rather not get our year-end emails, click here to stop receiving email until January.