We are writing with an urgent alert.

Some of the best progressives in Congress just had their districts radically redistricted -- meaning they have to form new relationships with thousands of new voters.

Katie Porter -- lost a ton of her current California district.
Mike Levin -- this climate champion had his California district scrambled.
Andy Levin -- this champion of unions may be pitted against a more conservative incumbent Dem in one Michigan district.
Marie Newman -- after knocking off the Democratic co-chair of the anti-choice Caucus, local politicos just pitted her against an establishment Dem in the same district.
And Andy Kim -- a bold progressive who won a Trump district twice -- could lose if just a few of his voters find themselves in a new district.

Can you please donate $1 (or $10) to each of these progressives in Congress who need our help? Let's add to their end-of-year fundraising numbers so the political world knows they have strong grassroots support despite these redistricting challenges.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Elections Team (@BoldProgressive)




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