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Weekend Edition, December 25-26, 2021


Profiles in Courage: Dr. Tess Lawrie

Margaret Anna Alice

Who Do You Blame for Covid When the Vaccination Rate Is Nearly 100 Percent?

Vasko Kohlmayer

Is This Erdogan’s Exit Strategy?

Tom Luongo

Reindeer Games

James Howard Kunstler

The Businessman and the Holy Family

Lew Rockwell

How Marxists Captured the Universities and Will Soon Capture the Nation

Doug Casey

The Leader We All Deserve

A Christmas Eve Speech to Free Peoples Around the World. The Good Citizen

Our ‘Great Reset’

Bionic Mosquito

How RFK, Jr., Went From “a Good Guy” to an “Anti-Vaxxer”

Steve Kirsch

The Unavoidable Necessity To Make Judgments

Theodore Dalrymple

Vaccines, Big Pharma, the CDC, Corruption, and Collusion

Rex Lee Reid

Another Year Without a Family Christmas?

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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