Delilah is having a wonderful holiday because of you!
Happy holidays from the White Coat Waste Project (WCW)! If you no longer want to receive updates on how to help animals in government labs, just unsubscribe here.

Hi Taxpayer,
This year, you helped WCW accomplish a lot for animal testing victims like Delilah.
WCW rescued Delilah after shutting down her old home: USDA’s “Kitten Slaughterhouse” lab.
We just ended two more government kitten experiments — only two remain. We also exposed Dr. Fauci’s #BeagleGate abuses — and shocked the world! We shut down two more government monkey labs — the only group to close any primate labs! And we retired the EPA’s bunny survivors.
WCW ended more government animal labs than every other group in the USA… combined.
But there’s more waste to cut and more lives to save.
We must defund Fauci’s Monkey Island, where 3,500 primates are held captive and shipped to maximum-pain labs.
We must Cut FDA Red Tape to save 20,000 beagle puppies from the pharmaceutical testing mandate. We must prevent another Wuhan disaster and cut NIH Foreign Aid to stop shipping tax money to foreign animal labs.
And we must end the U.S. government’s final two painful cat experiments…and retire even more survivors like Delilah.
Taxpayer, thanks to you, WCW will make it happen.
You give. We win. They survive.
Happy Holidays!
Delilah & the WCW team