Hi John,
Merry Christmas! I hope you are having a great day celebrating the birth of our Savior with all those closest to you.
As I am blessed to be celebrating Christmas with my family today, I keep thinking about all the families who are also together today, thanks to your faithful partnership!
Just think… in the last fiscal year alone, your prayers and support rescued 3,927 children from abortion. That means thousands of children woke up to their first Christmas morning today.
Isn’t it incredible to think about the personal impact you make in the lives of so many families? I’m so grateful to you!
While I know you have a lot to do today, I wanted to take just a few minutes to personally wish you a Merry Christmas. If you are able, I hope you will watch this video message I recorded for you: www.HumanCoalition.org/Films/Merry-Christmas-2021/.

Thank you again for all you do to support this mission to make abortion unthinkable and unnecessary. From all of us at Human Coalition, Merry Christmas!
I hope you have a joyful and restful day.
For Life,
Jeff Bradford