Merry Christmas!
Glenn Greenwald did an episode of System Update where he names and debunks the lies of MSNBC's Joe Scarborough regarding Julian Assange. In this clip, he outlines the charges against Assange and why they are such a grave threat to press freedom. If you have any doubt about the shit quality of information from MSNBC, or their willingness to tell bald-faced lies, watch this video.
Congressperson Mike Thompson supports the extradition of foreign journalists and supports them being prosecuted as political prisoners and supports the assault on the First Amendment, much as he supported the assault on the Fourth Amendment.
Mr. Thompson knows damn well that Manning did not need help acquiring files that she had full access to. He also knows the Obama Administration chose NOT to prosecute Assange for most of these same charges.
He may not know that the ONE charge related to hacking was fabricated by a pedophile that the FBI put back on the street in exchange for fabricating this charge, which he has since admitted to and is in Icelandic prison.
But one thing he knows for sure is that Julian Assange is an Australian citizen, not an American one, and not subject to US laws. He also knows that the Espionage Act that Assange is being prosecuted under will NOT allow Assange to argue in court that he was serving the public interest. This defense is not allowable under the Espionage Act, and so he will not have an ample opportunity to defend himself.
Mike also knows damn well that the US establishment wants to lock this foreign journalist up for the rest of his life to punish him for publishing truthful information that exposed US criminal foreign policy and made Democrats look bad in 2016. What does that say about your Congressperson if they want to prosecute foreign journalists for truthful reporting?
The US military bombed 10 civilians as they were withdrawing from Afghanistan. The military has investigated itself and declared that it was an honest mistake, not criminal negligence, and has decided not to prosecute itself. Does that satisfy you? Would you be as quiet about Venezuela investigating it's own crimes? Or Russia? Why is it an honest mistake when the US blows up civilians, but terrorism when other countries bomb civilians?
The Omicron Variant is presenting, in the UK and South Africa, as the common cold in twice vaccinated people- fatigue, congestion, runny nose, scratchy throat. It's much more infectious. Cases are about to go way up, but it is the most mild variant. This may be the end.
Chile joins the ranks of Latin American countries turning towards socialism. Xiomara Castro just won election in Honduras. Peru turned left earlier this year, in April. Bolivia dumped its fascist coup government for a return to socialism in October of last year. Next year is the Brazilian election and Lula De Silva looks likely to regain the presidency there. Add these countries to Nicaragua, Venezuela and Cuba (which the US has tried unsuccessfully to overthrow more than 600 times in 70 years) and you start to wonder why some people think Socialism doesn't work.
2021 has been the deadliest year for Palestinian children since 2014.
In Judaism, to kill one person is to destroy an entire world. The Israeli military and armed Israeli civilians have destroyed 86 young worlds this year — without consequences and with US-sourced weapons and US taxpayer funding.
These 86 Palestinian worlds — each containing its own love, beauty, and meaning — never got to develop the way they were meant to. They were marred with daily oppression during their entire existence, and prematurely ended by that same oppression.
Meanwhile, instead of holding their forces and civilians accountable, Israeli authorities have attempted to criminalize and delegitimize Defense For Children International - Palestine, one of the main human rights organizations documenting these murders and advocating for Palestinian children. Read more:
To protect Palestinian children and the worlds that their lives encompass, we must end Israeli impunity and international complicity.
Defend Palestinian human rights organizations against Israeli government repression. Pressure the US to stop funding the Israeli military.
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