Thank you for standing with us as we organize, march, rally, and fight for our democracy.

Happy Holidays from March On!

Dear Friend,

Happy holidays from all of us at Team March On.

As we approach the end of the year, we are taking this time to reflect on all that we are grateful for in 2021 and gearing up for a big year ahead in 2022.

A lot is on the line next year: our Senate majority, Biden’s bold agenda, reproductive rights, voting rights legislation, climate change policy, and more.

We are grateful for everything you have done this year, but we all need to make our voices heard at the ballot box next year and out-organize Republicans!

So if you haven’t already registered to vote, today is the perfect time to register! Or if you are already registered, then please check or update your voter registration and share this resource with your friends and family.


Let’s march into 2022 together.

Thank you, and happy holidays!


Thank you for supporting MARCH ON PAC. Our Women-Led Team worked day and night to power Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to a historic win in November and flipped Georgia and the Senate BLUE!

Donate now to March On →

MARCH ON PAC was created to harness the energy of grassroots organizers and empower community action to create progressive change all across the country.

This era isn’t just about taking back the White House. It’s about holding the House of Representatives, reclaiming the Senate and taking back control of state houses to ensure they represent the voices of women, youth and Black, Latinx and Asian Americans whose voices refuse to be marginalized any longer. We know that equity is essential to the advancement of our humanity as well as the economic, political and social progress of our country and world.

If you really want to go, click here to unsubscribe from our activist list. If you’d like to donate to help us elect our endorsed Democratic Candidates, click here.

Donate now to March On →