Dear John xxxxxx,

As a patriotic conservative, I'm sure you're just as appalled as I am by the Democrats latest quest to destroy President Trump through impeachment.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters (we refer to her as "Mad Max") just revealed that Democrats have no intentions of giving President Trump a fair impeachment inquiry. Their minds are made up...

The only thing President Trump is guilty of is putting America First, improving the economy, bringing down unemployment rates (and perhaps tweeting way too much).

It's disgusting that their spewing of hate-filled vile targeting the President grows louder every day...

...but it's truly frightening that radical, socialist, and racist beliefs have become the mainstream in the Democrat Party.

With a myriad of left-wing, socialist radicals announcing their candidacy for president, the stakes for our country couldn't be higher.

Trump versus Socialism in 2020. Who do you support?

These people represent the worst in America.

Heaven forbid any of them wins the White House.  Because if they do, you can start kissing even more of your freedoms goodbye.

We're dealing with radicals who are so far removed from reality that you could sit them down with Venezuelans who've fled the socialist regime of Maduro and they would still tell you that socialism is the best economic system ever.

It's a mess and it makes me wonder...

If the left is so unhinged, why do they receive such overwhelming support from Hispanic, Asian, and Black Americans, as well as female voters?

John xxxxxx, it's simple.  They lie to them.

But your support will help us reach out to minorities with the truth!

John xxxxxx, as you know their dirty little secret is to get as many people dependent on the government as they can to make sure they continue to wield their power over the masses.

Democrats would keep them dependent on government for life and keep their children down by feeding them socialist ideology in failing schools while preventing them from going to a quality school of their choice.

The only way to reclaim our Hispanic, Asian, and Black American friends and win more of the female vote is to counter the liberal lies with consistent, targeted messaging.

And thanks to the pioneering efforts of the late Richard Nadler, Stars and Stripes Forever PAC has found the formula for doing just that:

The Nadler Method

The Nadler Method is actually quite simple, John xxxxxx.

By regularly airing conservative messages to traditionally Democrat demographics, you'll swing enough votes to the Republican side and prevent Democrats from ever winning an election again.

As you may know... we put Nadler's research to the test in the 2014 U.S. Senate election in North Carolina between Republican Thom Tillis and Democrat Kay Hagen, by launching a $330,000 ad blitz over Black radio stations.

The purpose of the ads was to convince enough Black voters to turn out for Thom Tillis by explaining how Republicans — not Democrats — care about the issues near and dear to their hearts.

The effect was truly amazing!

In every place where our ads could be heard, Thom Tillis won 18% of the Black vote!

And in places where they couldn't be heard he only won 1% of their vote!

Thanks to the Nadler Method, Thom Tillis, not Kay Hagen, is representing the people of North Carolina in the United States Senate today.

And Our Success Didn't Stop There

In 2016, we helped President Trump win the presidency by airing $1.3 million worth of ads to Black Americans in six crucial swing states: Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

Thanks to these ads, the Black vote for President Trump in Pennsylvania exceeded his margin of victory by 24,672 votes!

And in Michigan, President Trump exceeded his margin of victory among Black voters by 853% — over 8 times his margin of victory!

Without the Nadler Method, we would not have been able to increase the Black vote for President Trump in these crucial states, and America would be stuck with "Crooked Hillary" as our president.

And I'm hoping you'll help us continue running this amazingly success program through 2020.

Nearly a dozen radical, socialist Democrats have already begun fundraising for their presidential campaigns.

Among this group are men like Cory Booker and Julian Castro, who will use their race to fool minorities into voting for them.

Then there are women like Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren who will play the gender card to do the same thing among women.

Their campaigns, and the PACs supporting them, will be propped up by never-ending streams of money from Hollywood elites, Silicon Valley billionaires like Jeff Bezos, and dangerous socialists like fat cat George Soros.

The Fake News media, like CNN and MSNBC, will also be in their back pocket, giving them positive wall to wall coverage while trashing President Trump.

The 2020 Election Season is in full swing...

Our radio ads have been produced, targeting minority voters, by our Faces of America spokespeople.

Faces of America is a special 2020 project of Stars and Stripes Forever PAC, carefully designed on our proven "Nadler Method" that helped us win many victories in 2014, 2016 and 2018.

Zo, Greg and Kimberlin, launched on August 12th and we've been able to keep airing them once each weekend (same days, times and stations).

Zo's are running in Alabama, Greg's in New Mexico and Kimberlin's in Maine. Additionally, Dat Dang's launched in California and mine launched in Pennsylvania on October 10.

Each of these radio markets were selected because the markets have a large African American, Latino/Hispanic, Female, or Asian listenership and all the spots have been reserved and paid for through November.

The number of voter polls are mounting showing that President Trump's approval ratings among minorities is dramatically increasing.

In fact, some recent polls now show his approval ratings are 25% among African American voters and 50% among Hispanic voters.

The Democrats and the Leftist-Media understand that they can't win if this trend continues and that is why they continue to work to discredit these polls.

So you see, John xxxxxx, your support of Stars and Stripes Forever PAC is making a huge difference.

But we must have your financial support to keep our radio ads on the air and expand into more states!

We desperately need to stay on the air and launch more radio ads/commentaries immediately, update them monthly, and keep them airing up to Election Day 2020.

Please continue to stand in the trenches with me to save our country!!!

Our preliminary budget is to invest double of what we spent in the 2018 cycle: $1,200,000!

But to do that, John xxxxxx, I need your help!

In the past you have been so generous as to donate to Stars and Stripes Forever PAC, and I'm hoping that you will decide to do so again today.

Or perhaps, you, like me, are outraged about unfounded attacks against President Trump and the Socialists that are running for President in 2020 against him you will decide to donate a little more to SAVE our country and stop their momentum toward turning America into a socialist country!

Only you know what you are comfortable giving.

There is no limit to the amount you can contribute to the Stars and Stripes Forever PAC. As YOUR grassroots Super PAC, we can accept donations in any amount, even from corporations, small businesses, and limited partnerships.

But please know, no matter the size of your gift, it's critically needed to keep our ads on the air and expand into more of our strategically targeted states.

And because advertisers wait until closer to the actual election to raise their rates, your contribution today will be worth twice as much as it will be tomorrow.

So please make your most generous gift to keep our ads running and expand across the country.

  For America,
John Philip Sousa IV
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman, Stars & Stripes Forever PAC

P.S. America is at a crossroads.  On the one hand you have a radical group of socialists hell-bent on defeating Donald Trump and taking away your freedoms.  Their determination to turn the U.S. into another Venezuela or maybe worse, Cuba, is frightening.

On the other hand, we have a President who is committed to defending our country from leftists like Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren.

But President Trump needs conservative colleagues in the House and Senate, AND you and me to help him fight back.

The Iowa Caucuses are just three months away and they kick off more caucuses and primaries!

So please make your most generous gift TODAY!

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Stars & Stripes Forever PAC, PO Box 1351, 22116, Merrifield, United States
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