On behalf of the CaucusRoom family, Merry Christmas!
I don’t know about you, but lately I’ve been deeply concerned about… nearly everything. Living in a blue state, in particular, I feel surrounded by worry and that condition is so contagious.
Will there be a day when people don’t fear one another as a health risk?
Will our children be able to see one another smile while they learn?
What scars will our kids take with them from these disrupted years?
But I woke this morning and the fog cleared. Through some devotionals and the gentle encouragement of my wife, I remembered who and what we celebrate on this day, and my heart was renewed.
Regardless of what’s going on in the world around us, even in our own families and our own hearts, today we celebrate the birth of grace, forgiveness, and unconditional love. Tonight, and tomorrow, there is no gift under the tree that can compare.
I’m so thankful that each of you joined our community, that we can encourage one another and work together to make our communities better.
May God Bless our troops, our country, and each one of you.
And again, Merry Christmas!
Matt Knoedler
Co-Founder and CEO