Did you see the message last week from our board chair, Sara Gould?
Did you see the message last week from our board chair, Sara Gould? There is
still time to help us meet our $1M fundraising challenge. Make a gift of any size today and it will be matched dollar for dollar
[[link removed]] until we reach $1M, doubling your impact.
National Immigration Law Center
Dear ,
I am the chair of the board for the National Immigration Law Center (NILC),
writing today with a special request. A generous donor has offered a challenge: Can you help us turn $1M into $2M?
[[link removed]] This donor has offered $1M to NILC, but we need our supporters to give in any
amount so we can meet the challenge and secure a total of $2M. This challenge
DOUBLES the power of your gift by matching it dollar for dollar until we reach
$1M raised in gifts from loyal supporters and partners like you.
At this crucial moment, when the National Immigration Law Center is working hard
every single day to deliver a pathway to citizenship, we need your partnership.
You fuel our work and make it possible for us to work tirelessly for justice,
alongside our friends, families and communities.
Please help us secure $2M by giving today! You can help us meet the challenge
and match this generous donation. Every dollar counts toward the match; so your
gift has double power!
Will you please join me and pitch in today to meet the match?
[[link removed]]
Please give generously knowing your gift will be doubled.
With gratitude,
Sara Gould
Chair, NILC Board of Directors
P.S We have made it easier than ever to make a gift to the National Immigration
Law Center. Go to NILC.org/WaysToGive
[[link removed]] to find out how to make gifts of stock, cryptocurrency, IRA contributions, and
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