
The Supreme Court has become deeply politicized – one need not look any further than the Court’s behavior for the last few months to see that. Rather than respect the precedent of Roe v. Wade and the civil rights protected under the 14th Amendment, the conservative justices of the court allowed Texas’ extreme abortion ban to stand while it awaits legal challenge. They ruled this not once, but twice.

Just recently, a bipartisan panel of legal scholars submitted a report to President Biden that considers changes to make the Supreme Court less politicized. Among such considerations are the imposition of term limits for justices, which the report describes as having public support.

Reform of our deeply politicized Supreme Court must begin, which is why I’m working on legislation to reform the Court.

Staggered term limits would help prevent an overtly political orchestration to the degree that Mitch McConnell carried out. Remember, he blocked the consideration of President Obama’s nominee, Merrick Garland, citing appointments shouldn’t be made in election years – but then turned around and rammed through the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett during an election year.

It’s actions such as these that have led the Supreme Court to be, at best, ideologically imbalanced and, at worst, hotly political. But in order to realize reform for our nation’s highest court, it will be up to grassroots Democrats like you to speak up loudly. That’s why I’m putting out an urgent poll to this team and need to hear from 2,956 of you before 11:59 p.m. tonight. Tell me:

Is the Supreme Court in need of reform?



Thank you for speaking up.


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