Our democracy is facing huge threats. And it's our duty to defend it – first and foremost, by voting, and doing everything we can to make sure our friends, family, and neighbors do too.

While some folks believe if it's not a presidential election it's not worth voting, that couldn't be farther from the truth. Every election: school board, ballot measures, mayoral, presidential – matters. Those elections create new leaders, introduce new ideas, and above all, realize the will of the people.

Mitch McConnell has made it clear that he'll never let the Senate debate our bill on the Floor - but today, we've got the chance to show him that our grassroots movement is stronger than their dirty tricks and obstruction.

There's no such thing as an off-year. If you've received your ballot, and there's an election in your area, please make sure to vote. Our democracy is counting on you – and all of us.

To locate your nearest polling place, click here.
