John, for so many people in our country, times have
never been tougher. Under this Conservative government we’ve seen our
schools, our NHS and our economy suffer.
Brexit will
only make things worse. It will damage our economy even
further and starve our public services of cash.
That’s why we
have to stop Brexit.
A Liberal Democrat government will stop
Brexit and invest the £50 billion Remain Bonus in our public services
and tackling inequality.
Watch our new video
If every one of our members and supporters shares
the video on social media, we could reach every single
Remainer in the country today.
Will you share the video with
your friends and family John?
Best wishes,
Swinson Liberal Democrats
PS: The next few weeks will
see us send quite a few emails about our country's future. You can
choose the kind of emails you get from us over the next five weeks
Help us build a brighter future.
The two old parties have
failed Britain. The Liberal Democrats are fighting to stop
Brexit and build a brighter future for Britain.
your part. Find out how you can help us win: