I cannot believe this needs to be said, but sadly, I am getting used to saying it.
Liberal-Left educators have been indoctrinating our children for far too long: poisoning the minds of a generation with hateful ideologies like CRT in the process.
NOW, they are attempting to change the definition of math to make it “more equitable.” Yes, you read that correctly - they are attempting to change MATH.
The ramifications of lowering the standards of our education system and holding back our brightest students in the name of “fairness” is a disaster that will harm America for generations. That is why I am taking a stand and DEMANDING schools keep politics OUT of our education system.
Friend, we cannot let the Left destroy America’s education system. I need you to join me in this fight.
It is beyond insane that we are lowering the standards of our education system at a time when the rest of the modern world is passing us by. We need to be doing the EXACT OPPOSITE: encouraging our students to challenge themselves and strive for greatness.
Think of how many future engineers, programmers, and scientists we are losing because the Left thinks math isn't “fair.” I will not let it stand.
Friend, I have been on the front lines fighting the indoctrination of our children from the start. It would mean the world to me knowing I have a great Patriot like YOU standing by my side.