It doesn't take a lot of words to sum up our year fighting climate chaos. We just need 3 graphs, 1 chart, and 2 maps to lay out our mission.

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Check this out John

3 graphs, 1 chart, 2 maps and our mission for 2022
UNFCC report shows unprecedented warming

That shows that climate change, is real, happening now, and at unprecedented levels because of fossil fuel use.


But, good news! President Biden has promised to take action:

President Biden pledges to halve US emissions by 2030

President Biden pledged to cut US emissions in half by 2030. But there's a catch (a few actually). Let me explain:

The same experts who made the graph above, about Biden's climate promise, made this chart, which clearly rates his climate ambition as insufficient. What Biden's talking about will only get us close (not quite) to 2c in global warming, not the 1.5c we promised in the Paris Climate Agreement. What's more, what Biden is actually DOING is way less than what he's promised. Actions already in place will get us to more like 3c in global warming.


So, what's the big deal? how different is a 1.5c warmed planet earth and a 3c warmed planet earth? Really, really different, and bad - remember the June 2021 heat wave when it was 110+ degrees Fahrenheit in Canada? That's a preview of a 3c world. In case you forgot, here's a map from Nasa to remind you:

NASA data shows a massive Land Surface Temperature Anomaly June 2021

So that's proof President Biden hasn't promised enough action yet. But what about the Build back better Act, the Infrastructure bill, all those executive orders? He's doing something good right? Something is better than nothing, right? Well, sort of:

Net annual US global warming solutions with and without Biden actions

The purple line is if we do nothing at all - very bad. The Blue line is if we just do what Biden's already done (infrastructure bill, some executive orders etc.). That will get us to a 50% reduction in global warming pollution, but not until way too late. The first green line is if they somehow manage to pass the Build Back Better Act with all of the stuff Biden and others have promised. The important thing to note here is that even if they do that (and it's a big if given Manchin's latest tantrum) they still won't hit Biden's goal of cutting global warming pollution 50% by 2030. To hit the goal we have to do everything Biden has promised, and a bunch of other stuff too - that's the last green line.  


What kind of "bunch of other stuff"? Glad you ask: 

A map of the Permian climate bomb

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