Hi Friend --

The DSA National Convention is just around the corner, and we couldn’t be more excited!  National Convention is an opportunity to take part in the democratic process for determining the future of DSA. Convention delegates will be voting on resolutions, constitutional/bylaw changes, and for the new National Political Committee, the executive body of DSA.  

Following up on the great discussions on National Convention and the proposed resolution and constitutional/bylaws changes that we had in our branch meetings yesterday:

Our chapter straw poll on proposed resolutions and bylaws/constitutional changes is now open! Members in good standing should receive a separate email with a link to the straw poll and all members are encouraged to participate.  The results of the straw poll will be shared with DSA-LA delegates and will inform delegates’ decisions at the National Convention. The last day to vote in the poll is July 28th at 11:59PM.  Please email [email protected] if you are a member in good standing and do not receive the straw poll ballot.

For reference, the full text of proposed political resolutions can be found here and the full text of proposed constitutional/bylaw changes can be found here. As well, our chapter’s delegates have developed analysis of proposed resolutions and constitutional/bylaws changes.

All members are also invited to submit their own analyses of resolutions, amendments, and NPC candidates/slates.  Analyses of resolutions and amendments will be posted here and NPC candidates/slates here, on a rolling basis.    



Democratic Socialists of America - Los Angeles · 3573 W 3rd St, 210, Los Angeles, CA 90004, United States
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