Amazonian women have been guides to the very essence of life on Earth. Indigenous women throughout Abya Yala share and practice cosmological wisdom to resist brutal violence against their bodies and hostility to their spiritual relationship with the cosmos and Earth.
They have resisted, protecting the lives of their relatives, animals, rivers, and forests – despite colonial threats attempting to erode away their traditional methods of preserving intergenerational and ancestral wisdom.
In Indigenous communities, wisdom keepers hold traditional forms of knowledge along with the responsibility of practicing constant reflection and learning, strategies which are crucial to counteract the threats that have disrupted our Earth and the survival of humanity.
The obstacles are numerous: extractive industries are invading their lands, deforestation is rampant, and land defenders in the region are being murdered. However, they continue sharing their ancestors' organic methods of cultivating food from the forest and revitalizing the land and other living systems.
Recognizing women’s evolving role as ancestral and contemporary “keepers of knowledge” is critical as the world moves to address the pressing need for ecological restoration guided by Indigenous knowledge.