I learnt so much by becoming a member of the National Domestic Workers Alliance.
National Domestic Workers Alliance (Logo)

Hi John,

I’m from the beautiful island of St Lucia, and came to the U.S. in the hopes of creating a better life for my daughter and working towards the American dream. But the reality is that it’s a struggle, especially being undocumented.

At one point, my daughter and I were basically homeless because there was a fire in our building and we lost everything.

When I started off as a domestic worker, I really and truly did not know that we even had rights. But by becoming a member of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, I have learned so much about advocating for myself and I’ve been able to secure better pay — helping to create more stability in my life.

Now, I never have to worry how we will make ends meet, and I’m so glad I never have to pass this anxiety on to my daughter.

It’s the biggest gift I could ever give her, and so today I'm asking: could you make a donation of $35 to support the National Domestic Workers Alliance so they can be there for domestic workers whenever they need?

If you have saved your payment information with FastAction, your contribution will go through immediately on clicking a link.

Donate to NDWA today and DOUBLE your impact!

I’m proud of my work as a domestic worker. I love the families I care for. It’s hard work, it's rewarding work, and it’s work I’m proud to advocate for as a leader of the We Dream in Black chapter of the National Domestic Workers Alliance in New York City.

From my experience as a domestic worker and NDWA member, I have tried to teach my daughter to speak up when she sees something that isn’t right, when she sees she’s being taken advantage of — it is important that she, and other girls and women, realize that our voices matter.

That’s been one of the biggest gifts for me from my work with the National Domestic Workers Alliance, and today I’m asking if you can make a gift of $35 to support other domestic workers as they stand up for their rights.

If you have saved your payment information with FastAction, your contribution will go through immediately on clicking a link.

Thanks for all you support,

We Dream in Black New York City Chapter Leader