
We are just one week away from the New Year, and I’m calling on you to help us kick it off strong!

2021 is nearly over, and I want to do all I can to make 2022 so much better! This year has brought massive inflation, a wide open border, and trillions in new taxes. The Left has shown what they will do if they have all the power, and now it’s our turn to take control and show the Left what responsibility and accountability look like in our Congress!

Next year is going to be tough. The Democrats are already calling up their big-money donors and campaigning hard to boost their abysmal poll numbers, but if we can keep up the pressure, I know we will win big. I want to stop the Democrats’ Socialist agenda and ensure Texas and America are more successful than ever before!
If we want to get America back on track, then we will have to get the Radical Left out of office. They have done everything to roll out their agenda this year, and now we are paying the price! We only have a week to go before the New Year arrives, and I hope you will consider pitching in to finish this one off strong!
For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne