Hello Friend,
Something I am always trying to communicate to ASA members is that
their support has been absolutely critical to all of our successes
over the last two decades. ASA members have helped create a world of
medical cannabis programs and multi-state cannabis businesses--a world
with a lot more safe access for patients than when we began.
While we still have a lot of work to do, please know that our
victories are their victories. Our work would be literally impossible
without our members. Increasing our membership will increase our
capacity to finally get medical cannabis in the US to where we want
it, and I also want advocates to feel that same pride that I do
whenever ASA is mentioned.
With all that in mind, this year we want to help you give
the gift of ASA membership to your friends and family. With a
contribution of $50 or more not only will you receive a year of ASA
membership for yourself, but you will also receive 5 gift memberships
that you can send to anyone who supports safe access. The gift of
membership will give your recipients all the same access as a basic
ASA membership.
So, take advantage of this special
limited time offer to share the pride of ASA membership (along
with the access and benefits) with your friends and family this
Happy holidays!
Geoffrey Marshall Americans for Safe Access http://www.safeaccessnow.org/