- Council Uncovers Institutional Hearing Program Locations
The Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) runs a little know program known as the Institutional Hearing Program (IHP) with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP). The IHP, also known as the Institutional Removal Program (IRP), allows immigration judges to conduct removal proceedings for noncitizens serving criminal offenses in certain correctional facilities. The manner in which IHP deportation hearings are conducted raise due process concerns including problems with access to counsel.
The IHP is conducted without much oversight and with little information released to the public. To uncover information about this program, the Council and partners filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against EOIR seeking information about the program’s expansion and locations of operation.
The Council partnered with UCLA School of Law, to create a map that shows hearing locations and facilities participating in the program as of 2019.
Read More: Where the Institutional Hearing Program Operates in the United States
Council Publishes Fact Sheet to Inform the Public about CBP One and its Functions
On December 9, 2021, the Council published a fact sheet providing an overview of CBP One - a mobile device app developed to streamline certain interactions between CBP officers and travelers. Information about the app’s uses, the agency’s plans for future functions, and CBP’s plans for the data it collects through the app is scattered and often unclear.
The fact sheet discusses CBP One’s current functions, including those that have not been publicized by the agency, and explains the tools deployed by the app like facial recognition and GPS tracking. The fact sheet also examines some of the concerns raised by advocates about the app, including use of facial recognition technology and the app’s ability to surveil individuals.
Read More: CPB One Fact Sheet - An Overview
The American Immigration Council works to hold the government accountable on immigration issues. We harness freedom of information requests, litigation, and advocacy to expose wrongdoing and promote transparency within immigration agencies.
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