Turning schools into surveillance states will not make our children safe. We need to stop this now.


More and more schools across the country are conducting unethical experiments on our children with invasive face scanning technology. Take action now to keep facial recognition out of schools.


School systems around the world are spending millions on facial recognition software, using it to scan, analyze, and collect sensitive biometric information on tens of thousands of students, parents, teachers, and staff.1

This technology is dangerous and should not be unleashed on children. Sign our open letter to join students, parents, teachers, and other concerned people to push for local, state, and federal laws that keep facial recognition out of schools.

Facial recognition technology isn’t safe. It’s biased, and more likely to misidentify students of color. And it’s invasive, enabling anyone with access to the system to watch students’ movements, analyze facial expressions, monitor who they talk to, and even track how many times someone goes to the bathroom.

Because there are no laws regulating how this technology is used, it’s up to the discretion of schools. And some administrators are already bragging about using this technology to target students for being late or minor rule breaking.

Imagine being a kid in school and knowing that someone is always watching you and judging everything you do. We don’t fully know what psychological impacts this invasive technology can have on children, but violating our children’s basic rights with digital tattle-tale systems will certainly create an environment of mistrust and will make it hard for students to succeed.

Take action right now: sign this open letter from teachers, parents, students, and anyone else who believes that facial recognition should NOT be used in schools.

For our safety,

Evan at Fight for the Future


1. Wired: https://www.wired.com/story/delicate-ethics-facial-recognition-schools/


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