Laura needs your support right now.

John, I’ll get right to it.

I need you to split a donation between our team and Kansas Governor Laura Kelly’s campaign right now — she’s up for re-election in 2022 and facing a critical end-of-year fundraising deadline, and her campaign could really use your support.

Split a donation today between Team Cooper and Laura Kelly's campaign >>>

Click here to split a donation to Team Cooper and Team Kelly >>>

Laura has served Kansans well over the last three years, helping to fund public schools and rebuild infrastructure and fighting to expand health care access.

She is a champion for children, families, working folks, and small businesses. She’s the leader Kansans need.

And across the country, Democratic governors are serving as the last backstops against GOP attacks on our democracy itself. We’re standing up to fight for our constituents’ rights at the ballot box and ensure their voices are heard in elections to come.

But here’s the thing: Hers is one of the most challenging races Democratic governors will face in 2022. As we saw in Virginia, Republican momentum is surging.

We have to help Laura and Kansas Democrats meet this moment and secure a victory, John.

Laura has my support all the way, and I hope she can count on yours, too. Please, split a contribution of any size right now to help the Kelly campaign meet their fundraising target by the end of the year and keep Kansas blue in 2022 >>>

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I appreciate it,


Roy Cooper's headshot