
The work we have to accomplish over the next year is immense, but the power is in your hands. Donate right now to ensure our work for next year is powerful on day one.

A resounding majority of us here in Pennsylvania want and need action on gun violence. Every day, our organizers are working directly with survivors and community stakeholders to amplify their power.

By helping us to meet our end of year goal, you’re putting our mission on solid footing. We’ve already been beating back bad bills, engaging communities through direct organizing, and educating the public about evidence-based solutions to this crisis. 

In the coming year, we hope to hire an additional organizer in the Philadelphia suburbs, advance accountability initiatives in districts where legislators supported a dangerous permitless carry bill, and secure even more funding for our safer community strategy. The more power we build together, the closer we get to enacting our Common Agenda to End Gun Violence.

I’ll say it in even clearer terms: every single donation pushes us closer to the goal to end gun violence altogether.

Your donation will save lives and hold accountable those who have betrayed the needs of their constituents.

Please make a quick donation. Adam’s email below will share insight on what is at stake now and going into next year.

Jeff Yurcan
Director of Development


Friend -

We lose someone every five hours in Pennsylvania to gun violence. That is the collective loss from our legislators' failure to pass meaningful gun legislation.

Will you make a quick donation to support our work? We need your help.

Gun violence takes so many forms, and on top of the senseless loss of life of about 1,600 Pennsylvanians every single year, families and communities across Pennsylvania are forever changed by each one of these tragedies. 

Our plan takes into account the root causes of these acts of violence and proposes legislation to end the possibility of these events. These solutions are impactful and widely supported. We’re giving tools of empowerment and safety to domestic violence survivors, working to lower the rate of gun suicide, and enacting policies to prevent the next mass shooting. More than all that, we are organizing folks all over Pennsylvania to create a politically powerful movement that our elected officials can no longer ignore.

We will continue to engage survivors, stakeholders, and community organizations to increase legislative co-sponsorship and get these bills moving forward. We’re building relationships with legislators on both sides of the aisle who want to see progress made on this urgent issue, and just need our collective help to make it happen.

We’re teaching Pennsylvanians how to use the inherent power of their voice and their experiences to drive forward policy. Your donation today will fund our organizing efforts to end the constant flow of violence that kills a Pennsylvanian every five hours.

We are at the precipice of a pivotal moment, and the public is on our side. We’ve secured millions in community violence prevention funds and have stopped terrible bills from passing. We are so close to the political movement we all deserve and need so desperately right now.

We need to keep up that pressure and expand our reach even further. We need to meet this moment with the urgency it requires, because every five hours someone will die from gun violence.

I’m asking you to dig deep right now. Make a donation, and think of the people who lost their lives just while you were reading this email. Do it for them, and be proud of your stake in this movement.

Thank you for being in this fight with us. 

Adam Garber
Executive Director


P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102

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