![]() Did Congress just empower the SEC to regulate GoFundMe without even reading the bill? ![]() Passed the day it was introduced, HR 4860, "to subject crowdfunding vehicles to the jurisdiction of the Securities and Exchange Commission" Retweet
Amidst all the impeachment talk, what has Congress been doing?
But not all days are the same. For instance…
On October 28, the House passed a whopping 17 bills totalling 248 pages!
Among them was HR 4860, "to subject crowdfunding vehicles to the jurisdiction of the Securities and Exchange Commission."
To many of us who have used crowdfunding, this sounds important…
Will the unelected SEC regulate GoFundMe out of existence?
I don't know, and I doubt that anyone in Congress knows.
Even worse…
The bill passed by voice vote, so you don't even know how your Representative voted!
The way this bill was passed isn't unusual. It is classic statesploitation. You can guarantee that some special interest was standing there watching their text be rammed through.
Meanwhile, our so-called Representatives write back and tell us that…
Then they ram through bills that we'll later have to obey and pay for.
Downsize DC doesn't want you to be statesploited this way. That's why we created the Read the Bills Act. It would:
Please tell your Representative and Senators to introduce the Read the Bills Act. Our monthly budget need is modest -- just...
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Jim Babka, President Today's Action: Reintroduce the Read the Bills Act to prevent same day passage of unread bills like HR 4860