CLCV Member,

I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve heard “this is the new normal” when talking about California’s horrifying wildfires, the terrible air quality, and PG&E’s power outages.

I reject that -- and you should too. This doesn’t have to be the “new normal” that we accept -- if we step up with a bold vision for our future.

Here’s the truth we are all feeling: California is unprepared for the massive and unprecedented change we need to make in order to cope with the climate crisis. We are going to have to radically change our economy, our infrastructure, and our way of life. And here’s another truth: Black, Indigenous, and people of color have been suffering from these devastating impacts for generations. There is nothing “new” about this reality for many of our communities.

What is new is the universal and growing impacts, and the reality that we are working to beat the clock. We need a plan that radically reimagines our society while we tackle this crisis.

That’s why I’m issuing a call to action to all Californians: join us in a movement that calls for bold leadership and a comprehensive vision in response to the climate crisis.

Let’s start here.

  • First, many of us are in the midst of this crisis today, please check out our blog for more information on resources that are available to help. This is a moment to tap into our common humanity, so if you can, please consider donating to organizations that will support recovery efforts in Northern and Southern California.
  • Share your climate story. How are you and your loved ones being affected by wildfires, air pollution, and the power outages? Storytelling is an important tool for change and advocacy. Show us with a photo or send us a video or an email. We want to hear and see what you’re experiencing and share it with our elected leadership in this call for action.
  • Be part of this movement. Sign on and tell our elected officials in Sacramento that we need visionary leadership and a bold plan that prepares us for the climate crisis. Tell your legislator that now is the time for a comprehensive vision.

What we need isn’t easy. It’s a bigger task than we’ve ever faced before and that can feel overwhelming. But it can also be viewed as an incredible opportunity.

We can change our economy to be rooted in justice, instead of extraction, pollution and exploitation. We can create jobs that pay fair wages. We can have clean air to breathe and clean water to drink.

Let’s start today.

Thank you,

Mary Creasman
Chief Executive Officer 
California League of Conservation Voters



We believe that radical change is necessary and only by transforming our political system will we create the opportunity to take bold action on climate change. We elect and cultivate environmental champions, turn election victories into policy wins, hold our lawmakers accountable, and build political power for change. We inspire hope and action and fight for equity and justice for all Californians. We are in the business of changing what’s possible. You can unsubscribe from this mailing list at any time.