Alexandria is leading the fight to get Democrats to be bold.
Alexandria warned it could happen. On Sunday, it did.
Joe Manchin made his opposition to Build Back Better official. The central piece of the Democratic agenda — from addressing climate change, to economic justice, and expanding health care access — doesn’t have the votes.
But, we cannot give into despair. Not when so much is on the line for so many working families. Democrats need to take the kid gloves off and start using our power to govern.
The president and congressional leadership can call votes, take executive action, and use a myriad of tools to get things done. There is an enormous amount that the White House can do on climate, student debt, immigration, cannabis, health care, and more. But we don’t have much time left before the midterm elections.
Alexandria is leading the fight to get Democrats to be bold. And she’s able to do that, because your grassroots support keeps her in Congress fighting for all of us.
Will you donate $3 today to show Alexandria we have her back as she pushes the Democrats to make real tangible change for working families? Every dollar we raise helps us build this movement.
Contribute $3
When Alexandria uses her bully pulpit in Congress or in the media to push for stronger Democratic leadership, people listen. They listen because they know that it’s not just one person speaking. It’s a movement speaking.
Thank you for being in the fight with us.
- Team AOC