The two indices (for inflation and murder) are staggeringly high. And they continue to rise with dizzying speed toward what will prove to be unsustainable heights.
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Which U.S. Rate is Climbing Faster…
Inflation or Murder?
The two indices (for inflation and murder) are staggeringly high. And they continue to rise with dizzying speed toward what will prove to be unsustainable heights.
That we even ponder which might be rising faster suggests that the figures—viewed individually or together—serve as a crisis indicator pointing us toward the colossal dysfunction being visited upon the nation under present progressive governance.
The result: we spin toward anarchy…and alarms are sounding nationally!
This is where Charlemagne Institute comes in.
The publisher of Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture and Intellectual Takeout, Charlemagne Institute is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the renewal and restoration of the American republic. To this end, our publications point to a better course forward, packed as they are with grounded, thoughtful, well-reasoned content on politics, history, education, family, religion, arts and culture. The fact is, however, the publication and dissemination of the magazines depends upon generous support from you and other readers.
So, please help us address what ails the culture! If you share our concern about the chaos, and also share our dedication to the preservation of the American ethos, then please consider a tax-deductible gift of $50 or $100.
Of course, if you have the means, please give thought to a larger gift of $250 or possibly $1,000. If you are able to upgrade your gift to us, we will send you a signed copy of Editor Paul Gottfried’s highly acclaimed new monograph, Antifascism: The Course of a Crusade.
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Your support today positions us to begin 2022 better prepared for the election year ahead. Thank you for all you do!
Devin Foley
Devin Foley
CEO, Charlemagne Institute
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