2021 showed us the absolute horrifying depths that the political class was willing to go.
They think they have every right to force you to take an experimental vaccination that has been proven to injure and even kill tens of
thousands of people. Maybe more! And if you don’t, they will take away your job, your
access to even the most basic services and now they’re coming for the children as young as 5!
In 2021, Campaign for Liberty was there every step of the way informing the public about these atrocities, with YOUR help.
And we pushed back with A LOT of success throughout the year.
YOU deserve so much credit for taking action time and time again. And a special thank you to our generous
donors. All that being said, I’m starting to get very worried.
With 2022 right around the corner, the battles are already stacking up. Won’t you please
renew your support for Campaign for Liberty for 2022 with a generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50, or at least $35 at once?
While you and I have slowed the worst of the Biden agenda SO FAR, it goes without saying that
they are not stopping in their bull run to destroy the Republic. Their failures are
piling up, which makes them MORE dangerous in 2022, not less. In fact, with
everyone’s attention on the holidays, they may try to sneak in part of their agenda and RAM it through.
You can be sure we will be keeping a close eye on Congress, even while most people are relaxing and tuning out of political
battles. Even if we make it through the rest of the year without any more damage
done, more battles (and perhaps even bipartisan “deals”) are already being put into play, ready for when Congress returns in
early January: >>More COVID tyranny, including vaccine passports, tucked inside massive
bills like Biden’s $5 Trillion “Build Back Better” plan;
>>Gun control, gun-ownership
databases, and all-out confiscation ; >>“Climate legislation and even
“climate lockdowns” to “Save the Earth;” >>Expanded government
spying; >>Ushering in permanent one party rule by nationalizing elections;
>>Destroying the Senate filibuster to RAM through all of the above.
These horrible ideas, AND MORE, are all in the
works. With this latest bailout signed by the president, The Federal Reserve is
dumping $Trillions into foreign and special interests. Patriot, we all know this
is headed towards financial crisis even WORSE than 2008. Inflation for consumer goods like
groceries and gas is already at a 40-year high and Congress is trying to nearly DOUBLE the HISTORIC spending of the last 20 months. And
hardly anyone in Congress seems to care! They think the public is still
asleep and are willing to line the pockets of their cronies and their own interests, consequences be damned!
After years upon years of indoctrination in government schools, our national media is beside itself with excitement that Americans are
finally “ready” for full-scale authoritarianism and socialism. 2022 is truly an “all-hands-on-deck” moment for the Liberty Movement. Each and every one of us has a
role to play. So with the end of the year rapidly approaching,
won’t you please renew for 2020 with a generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50, or $35 right away?
The truth is the coming year is going to be an absolutely critical year for those of us who believe in liberty and
limited government. With national media elites fawning all over their power grabs –
cheerleading every constitutional safeguard they wreck – the emboldened medical tyrants and their buddies in the Deep State grow more lawless by
the day. The truth is, I don’t know how much more our Republic can
take. The Marxists in our government and their sycophants in the media do nothing but
point the finger at billionaires for all the problems that are created by the out-of-control spending of Congress and the money printing of the
Federal Reserve. But the problem isn’t billionaires.
The problem can only be found of the political class looks right in the mirror.
Patriot, I won’t hold my breath for that to happen any time soon.
And I haven’t even mentioned BOTH parties’ power-drunk response to the COVID-19 hysteria.
The war on our freedoms with medical tyranny that began in 2020, raged on in 2021 hasn’t let up is expected to
intensify in 2022 before things get any better and they’re forced by a well-informed and activated public to BACK DOWN.
Campaign for Liberty will stay on the front lines fighting, but only if we can continue get your help.
The end of the year is nearly upon us and I won’t mince words.
We are still short of our funding goal to start 2022 with all the resources we need. I am asking you to
renew your support for Campaign for Liberty for 2022, by giving a very generous donation of $50, $75, $150, or any amount you can afford!
On March 23, 1775, Patrick Henry famously challenged fellow patriots with the brave words,
“As for me, give me liberty or give me death!” From every
corner, freedom is under assault, but I remain very optimistic that we will not only recover what’s been taken by COVID tyrants, but we will
actually start to gain lost ground. More people are waking up now than ever.
When I look back at my presidential campaigns of 2008 and 2012, I certainly saw that the brushfires of liberty
had really started burning. But now those brushfires are much larger and are a real threat to
the political class for the first time in generations. That’s why
they’re taking such wild swings at us and seem to be going for broke!
The statists and tyrants are on the march, and they will not give up until they burn out. That’s why I’m counting on you to renew your support for Campaign for Liberty for 2022 at once.
With so
much at stake, I am urging you to consider your most generous donation of this year. Whether that’s $50, $150, $250 or more, every single dollar
counts as we finalize our plans for 2022. I realize that’s a lot to ask for.
But you know just as well as I do that the moment we stop fighting is the moment we lose everything.
If times are too tight around the
holidays and every day expenses rising, would you consider chipping in $29 or $19?
2022 is an “all-hands-on-deck” moment for the Liberty Movement. Each and every one
of us have a role to play. It will take work. But it’s work our R3VOLUTION has proven we
can do. Please renew your support for Campaign for Liberty at
once! For Liberty,  Ron Paul Chairman P.S.
Campaign for Liberty urgently needs your help as the 2020 Coronacrisis extends into 2022. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click
here. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American
principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education,
issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.