VICTORY! The Biden Administration just extended the student loan payment pause! This is an issue we've been lobbying on and advocating for.

The financial relief from this extension will make a world of a difference for millions of American families -- especially with COVID surging again and after Joe Manchin forced the Senate to shelve the President’s Build Back Better, abruptly ending child tax credit payments.

Sign here to thank the Biden Administration. (You can also tweet your thanks after you sign.)

Then, can you sign on to our petition with Justice Democrats urging the White House to act on full student debt cancellation?

Senator Warren has advocated for President Biden to cancel student debt for months. Here is just one of her reasons why:

"Canceling student loan debt is a matter of racial justice. Compared to white students, Black and Hispanic students are forced to borrow more money to go to school, borrow more money while they are in school, and have a harder time paying off their loans after graduation.

"This is the single most powerful executive action President Biden could take to advance racial equity and give everyone in America a chance to build a future."

Sign here to thank the Biden Administration.

Then, please sign on to our joint petition with Justice Democrats pushing for full student debt cancellation.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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