
As you know, early voting is underway and many folks across Louisiana have already cast their ballots. We're seeing high turnout and with a continued investment in our get-out-the-vote program, we can and will win this runoff. 

My opponent is running scared right now -- and national Republicans have already spent another six-figures in the past week to boost his campaign, with more to come. These out-of-state groups think they can buy Eddie Rispone's way into office. Let's prove them wrong and show the power of our grassroots donors. 

The clock is ticking, team. With voters casting their ballots right now, we need to invest another $10,000 in our ground game. 


Can I count on you to pitch in right away and help ensure we keep Lousiana moving forward?

Your support is what will get this campaign across the finish line.


Thank you,

Governor John Bel Edwards